Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stop, Hey, What's That Sound...

Stop what you're doing. (please?) Stop and just listen to the everyday sounds around you. You might hear the hum of your fridge running, the rain lightly tapping at your window, or the bustle of people at a coffee shop. Those audible characteristics that we take for granted are what clues us in on where we are. Without them, we'd be in a dark, desolate void. Or a sound proof recording studio. Either way, stellar sound and music is what pulls the viewers into the film or video game. Forget 3D- audio is the all immersive atmospheric experience.

I've started a new personal sound design project that features fast cars and a ridiculous car accident from a very well-known movie that came out a few years ago. (Here's a hint- the car accident has the world record for flipping the most times. Crazy!) It's really exciting because I haven't worked with my automobile sound library yet, so it's a challenge, but a fun one.

After building a sound pass on the cars, I realized how many layers of sound goes into just one scene with a car driving by. First there's the engine, then the tires, then gravel, then wind... and that's just the car. Then you have the atmosphere to throw in there too. It's seriously amazing the details we miss everyday.

Next time while you're driving, turn of the radio and just listen. There's a whole world of sound you may not have your ears open to.

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